Introducing the Solar AiR Logos;
Showcasing to consumers the use of solar air heating in the processing of food products and other consumer goods

The Solar AiR logos are the first global consumer label that identity companies and farming entities that have incorporated solar air heating in their operations. The Solar AiR Logos are intended to inform consumers about the use of solar air heating in the drying and processing of food products. They can also be used to identify other consumer products that are made with solar process drying or buildings that are solar heated.
The Solar AiR logos will allow the companies that produce solar dried fruit, coffee, tea, nuts, herbs, and other consumer products to proudly display their commitment to sustainability and carbon reduction on their product packaging and in their promotional material. It will also provide consumers with a choice to favor those foods and products that are dried and processed using solar.
Consumers are ascribing greater importance to the way in which their food is processed, generating more demand for clean energy throughout the entire lifecycle of the product.
The goal of SAHWIA is to promote the multitude of benefits possible from solar air heating, and as such, we love showcasing the companies, farms and other entities that use the technology. The summary below provides a quick guide on the use of the Solar AiR logos. They all speak to the 360 degrees of sustainability that is possible with solar air heating in any business or agricultural operation.
AiR Solar Dried
AiR Solar Dried is used by farm enterprises and companies which use solar air heating to dry their crops and produce.
The logo may only be used on product packaging and marketing materials that promote produce which has been dried in a facility that uses a certified solar drying system.
The supplier of the solar air collector would certify the design and verify the operation of the solar drier and produce being solar dried.
AiR Solar Raised
AiR Solar Raised is used by farm enterprises and companies that raise animals, such as chickens or turkeys, in solar heated barns using certified solar air collectors.
The logo may only be used on product packaging and marketing materials that promote animals which have been raised in the facility with the solar heating system.
The supplier of the solar air collector would certify the design and verify the operation of the solar heating system.
AiR Solar Produced
AiR Solar Produced is used by companies which produce a product either in a solar heated factory or with solar heat using certified solar air collectors.
The logo may only be used on product packaging and marketing materials that promote the products which have been produced in the facility with the solar heating system.
The supplier of the solar air collector would certify the design and verify the operation of the solar heating system.
AiR Solar Heated
AiR Solar Heated is used by companies, governments and organizations which have a solar heated building using certified solar air collectors.
The logo may be used on marketing materials that promote the company or organization’s use of solar heating on the building or group of buildings.
The supplier of the solar air collector would certify the design and verify the operation of the solar heating system.
Minimum Requirements
In order to qualify for use of the AiR Solar marks a company or user must ensure that its building or process maximizes the solar energy usage. The company or organization shall ensure that the building to which the solar air panels are attached has utilized at least 75% of the available south facing wall or roof (excluding windows, doors or other objects on surface) for the solar air panels.
For solar drying, the crops must be dried with solar energy when sunshine is available and can be combined with other fuel sources during non-solar periods as long as the total energy used to dry the produce is at least 25% from the solar air heating system.
The Solar AiR logos are trademarks owned by the Solar Air Heating World Industries Association (SAHWIA) and are licensed to Corporate Members of SAHWIA. It is the SAHWIA Corporate Member which will sub-license the marks to authorized companies to use the logo on their products and marketing materials.
For more details, please contact SAHWIA at