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Solar Air Heating World Industries Association Appoints Executive Director

Madrid, Spain: July 27, 2012 – The Solar Air Heating World Industries Association (SAHWIA) is pleased to announce the appointment of Cecile Tabarot to the position of Executive Director effective June 1st. Ms. Tabarot will direct SAHWIA’s efforts from the new European office in Madrid Spain.

SAHWIA is the industry association representing companies engaged in manufacturing, marketing, installation and sales of solar air heating systems around the world.  Its mandate is to promote public awareness of the benefits, applications, and necessity of solar air heating, as well as to help develop the government policies and programs required to support and accelerate the widespread use of solar air heating throughout the world.

SAHWIA also administers the Solar-A-Mark, which is a quality assurance certification designed to guarantee high quality systems in the marketplace. It ensures that solar air collectors are tested to the relevant test standard, such as CSA F378.2 and the upcoming EN 12975-2 / ISO 9806

Solar air heating systems produce one of the fastest ROI’s of any solar technology and have been widely used around the world for over 25-years (such as North America where fresh air ventilation is the norm).  As construction technologies improved and buildings became more airtight, European Norm #13779 was established to mandate the required fresh air ventilation rate for buildings.  Solar air pre-heating or space heating will provide a significant contribution in terms of reducing the cost of heating this air and the use of fossil fuels.

Ms Tabarot is a lawyer by training with a background in the building construction industry.   While working in the building industry, she recognized firsthand the contribution that solar air heating could deliver in order to achieve the EU’s 2020 renewable energy usage goal.

Speaking on the importance of SAWHIA’s mandate, John Hollick, Chairman of the Board, said: “Heating of buildings is one of the largest sources of CO2 emissions in the commercial, industrial and government building sectors. Europe will be unable to meet its 20% Renewable Energy Target by 2020 with the current policy strategies because there is no cost effective mechanism in place to target space and process heating. Solar air heating has a vital role to play in the renewable energy mix, and it represents an option that is significantly more cost-effective than other on-site renewable energy systems, as confirmed by clients such as Auchan, Ford, Jaguar, Bombardier as well as hundreds of municipalities.”

Press Contact: Cecile Tabarot